The entire reason why SOPA’s authors and supporters have the money, influence, and power to put forward draconian bills like this in the first place is because of our daily patronizing of their corporations and the goods and services they provide. SOPA supporters include the US Chamber of Commerce, […]
[ Too bad TVNZ never played this in primetime during the run up to last year’s election. We could have had an electorate slightly better informed. ] [youtube]FeLLR3LWtv4[/youtube]
[ Two of the more impressive Americans currently having some degree of media exposure ] [youtube]pcHOuHPdGrU[/youtube]
[ … finally … ] [youtube]wdgMdWFTJds[/youtube]
Laurence Wilkerson – a rare breed of warrior intellectual – lays bare the core problems with the real reasons that motivate U.S. foreign policy. [youtube]PdQfGE2nSI8[/youtube] [youtube]pscUctTU0sE[/youtube] [youtube]IruQGT1C1J0[/youtube]
Gareth Porter: Iranian scientist assassinated and US sends a message to Israel. [youtube]0AvVAUVRP54[/youtube]
In 2009, the Guardian ran an article and video documenting the unbelievably high rate of birth defects in Fallujah following the US use of heavy munitions in 2005. [ … as seen here ] [youtube]EIwJSWKLdT0[/youtube] In one hospital alone, the rate was close to 25% — more than four times […]
The Israeli Army has been grappling with a series of massive leaks of classified information by its own soldiers through online services, a report says. Israeli Army secrets are beaming around the world, mostly from the inside, Russia Today reported. The report added that with just one click, everything that […]
[youtube]zKB2M7wQaqQ[/youtube] The liars are still in charge and they want war. Time to stop falling for the lies. SPEAK OUT against the insanity.