[ Just another in a long line of reminders that we need new sources of energy. Even -less profitable- ones. ] Still reeling from the effects of Hurricane Katrina after all these years, many who depend on the Gulf of Mexico for their livelihood fear that the massive oil spill […]
Oil companies are criminal enterprises supported by government thugs. Not hyperbole. Video: https://www.brasschecktv.com/page/212.html We hear about a looming energy shortage and we see high fuels prices. The media talks endlessly about global warming, but when do we hear about what goes on “behind the scenes” of oil and gas extraction […]
I had read that the United States had spent $300 billion dollars in Afghanistan since the invasion and occupation of that country ten years ago, so I naturally became curious where this tremendous quantity of money and resources had gone. Many Americans had said to me that we were in […]
[ The Best Damned Song The Damned Ever Did set to the musically-driven ultra-violence of the best 80’s Cop-Opera ever, Miami Vice … ] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xi5h9Di_lx4
Four Arrows, co-author of American Assassination: The Strange Death of Senator Paul Wellstone, Thursday reported a conversation in which Senator Barbara Boxer confirmed the 2002 Sen Paul Wellstone plane crash was an assassination. Four Arrows told The Kevin Barrett Radio Show a friend of his, during a conversation with Sen. […]
[ … because he is a not a man of vision or a voice for change or hope or any of that shit – We are living Bush’s third term ] The Obama administration has granted secret permission to the CIA to carry out more indiscriminate drone missile strikes in […]