In May, Edward Snowden flew to Hong Kong where he gave journalists the material which blew the lid on the extent of US digital spying. Full Article
A stunning new report compiles extensive evidence showing how some of the world’s largest corporations have partnered with private intelligence firms and government intelligence agencies to spy on activist and nonprofit groups. Environmental activism is a prominent though not exclusive focus of these activities. The report by the Center for […]
Oui Westernization of the world ~ The Opposite Of Diplomacy Connivance The strategy of power that is installed in the West is called naturally Westernization. This is to ensure that all countries are alike in ideology, psychology and culture both in the social system and the political system [ and […]
[ Saw this at a local screening the other night – well worth the hour and 26 minutes of your life If you want to show it to a neighbourhood near you then click on ‘Host A Screening’ here ] Green MP Kevin Hague apparently supports this. Please let the Greens know that this is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE. New Zealand should BAN WATER FLUORIDATION like 90% of Europe and now Israel. What is the problem with the NZ Green Party? Why don’t they support a ban on 1080?? Why don’t […]
[ Eustace Mullins ~ who is quite possibly the most censored man of the Twentieth Century provides you and the rest of the internet with some hidden history – while sitting on a couch ]
No mention on main stream media of this. Imagine if Pakistan flew a drone into the US and bombed a school. It would be headlines everywhere. Article