The skullduggery of Henry Kissinger is well known, but little has been done about it. As the unofficial envoy of the Rockefeller Empire and a member of the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, Aspen Institute, Bohemian Grove, Trilateral Commission, etc., Kissinger is at the heart of the power […]
The New Yorker magazine on Wednesday unveiled a new online system for anonymous whistleblower tips, based on technology developed by the late Internet activist Aaron Swartz and a former hacker. Article
THE PLOT SICKENS … FBI Director Continues Cover-up of Contacts with Boston Bombing Suspects By Barry Grey The bombings were used as the pretext for an unprecedented police-military lockdown of Boston and its suburbs, in which civil liberties were effectively suspended and federal, state and local forces tested out techniques […]
We must either defy the corporate state or accept our extinction as a species. We have been stripped of the power to express dissent or effect change. Rebellion is the only way to remain fully human. Article
A first-hand account of non-violent protests in Bil’in, a West Bank village affected by the Israeli West Bank barrier Nominated for Best Documentary Feature in the 85th Academy Awards. [youtube]u2daSJzT0MY[/youtube]
At the heart of the Summit’s agenda lies the BRICS’ determination to anchor any emerging global order in “multilateralism” – whether by demanding permanent seats within the UN Security Council, forging alternative economic constructs that will shift the balance of power their way, or proactively influencing outcomes in global conflict […]
The best way to understand the seemingly reckless, recurring threat of nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula is this: the East Asian region is being run like a Mafia protection racket. And the criminal Mafia is the US. The conflict emanates from Washington and is perpetuated by Washington. Why? To […]