Answer : ‘Sure looks that way.’ Paul Craig Roberts reveals how social engineers infected America with mass paranoia here
It was his first remarks on last week’s reported Israeli air strike in Syria. Syrian TV has shown images of the raid Damascus says Israeli jets carried out on a military research centre in Jamraya last Wednesday. US officials said the air strike targeted a weapons convoy bound for Lebanon. […]
In the years since the first post-9/11 invasion, “real” reasons have abounded regarding the various countries provided with “democracy” by the United States. These reasons include vast oil reserves, oil pipelines, opium fields, strategic positioning, no-bid contracts for the defense industry and military-industrial complex, and mineral deposits. All of these […]
Last year, more active-duty soldiers killed themselves than died in combat. And after a decade of deployments to war zones, the Pentagon is bracing for things to get much worse. A veteran called into my talk radio show not long ago and confirmed that because our soldiers are having difficulty […]
A Notre Dame football star, an aerospace engineering senior at Iowa State, an attractive high school graduate, a young patriot, and an Olympic shooting champion all were recruited by the CIA at a young age. These five brave individuals risk retaliation in revealing the story of their gradual disillusionment and […]
You are witness to one of the greatest frauds perpetrated on the people of planet Earth, to trick them out of their money and into obedience under the guise of the fight against Human-Caused Global Warming (now rebranded “Human Caused Climate Change” – to explain away the icicles we were […]
[ A pawn poses next to some French fighter jets … … … ppossibly pondering how he’s going to personally benefit from all of this ] Author and publicist F. William Engdahl says Mali’s turning into a geopolitical battleground – in a war for the region’s resources. [ … because […]