Friday 7.9.2012 protest by the Palestinian village of Nabi Saleh near Ramallah against the theft of their land, against the Israeli occupation and against apartheid. [youtube]0kJ6IJLFVGo[/youtube]
” … it’s been branded as a trade agreement but really it is enforceable corporate global government ~ it’s only gotten this far because it’s been secret.” Get ready for your enslavement, New Zealand … [youtube]6HOjIw8g7p8[/youtube]
Ten years have passed since the World Trade Center attacks of September 11, 2001, and there are still many unanswered questions surrounding that fateful day. In 2011, experts and scientists from around the world gathered in Toronto, Canada to present new and established evidence that questions the official story of […]
As the economic and financial systems of the world rapidly approach the real possibility of total collapse, signs of what we can expect on a mass scale in the near future are beginning to appear throughout Europe. In Spain, a country that just a few years ago was heralded as […]
Why didn’t CNN’s international arm air its own documentary on Bahrain’s Arab Spring repression? [ Is the answer that Bahrain’s leaders and Washington are already great mates ? and that Bahrain is already home to the Sixth Fleet ? So there’s no need for an ‘Invasion’ ? That would otherwise […]
The United States and its European allies – the old imperialists and the new – tell their countries’ populations that Iran is isolated in the world, and will have to get rid of its nuclear energy infrastructure in order to be allowed back into what they call “the community of […]
With any move made by the globalist controllers and their surrogates of the Anglo-American NATO strong arm, it is safe to assume that there is rarely only one reason for the implementation of any given plan. Thus, the wars of conquest and aggression raging in the Middle East, “Eurasia,” and […]
Anyone still totally missing the point can still reference The Book : The Film: [youtube]Z4rBDUJTnNU[/youtube] The T-Shirt : … and still be completely and absolutely fully – creeped – out.
This week Iran witnessed maybe one of the biggest international gatherings in its history. [youtube]45Gtb_7DmpU[/youtube] Representatives from more than 120 countries came for the 16th summit of the non-aligned-movement; movement that, after the United Nations, has the most members