In 2012 the New World Order will suffer major defeats to their totalitarian one world government/population reduction agenda. The defeats will not be from violent revolution, massive protests, or people continuing to beg corrupt politicians for mercy – as if 535 politicians really represent 315,000,000 people. No, the defeats will […]
When Beavis & Butt-head reappeared on MTV last year – television’s collective intelligence quotient actually went up a few points. bb Drones from Scott Ewing on Vimeo.
Writing from the very region that produces more clichés per square foot than any other “story” – the Middle East – I should perhaps pause before I say I have never read so much garbage, so much utter drivel, as I have about the world financial crisis. But I […]
I would like to share with our readers a shining example of how our political and media elites are doing a far better job than many “gloom and doom” sceptics would like to admit. Vladimir Putin, the Russian premier, announced yesterday morning that a contract worth 10 billion dollars for the sale […]
[youtube]iAbvniSuovk[/youtube] Originating as a privately owned company registered in New South Wales, the New Zealand company was financed by 100,000 pound loan from the Rothschild dynasty. Immigrants were brought in, initially under guise of the Treaty of Waitangi, but now are being used to support the introduction of a totalitarian […]
In May 2007 Dutch television program makers VPRO created a series of documentaries on the Middle East, the first discusses US involvement with Israel, and Israel’s control in American high places. [youtube]YmPUjx0AT6o[/youtube] The documentary sheds light on both parties involved in the discussion: those who wish to maintain the strong […] [youtube]4iboFV-yeTE[/youtube]
The good news is that troops are actually leaving Iraq. However it is deceptive of the media to portray this as the fulfillment of a campaign promise, when really it was against the president’s will and not really his decision. And then, of course, there will be the huge […]