[ Here’s Press TV with some good news for a change 🙂 ] [youtube]Z-Y_YyMZUbU[/youtube]
After months of assuring a skeptical and disgruntled Australian public that the US military would not be getting a permanent base in Australia, the Sydney Morning Herald has reported a “US Marine Base for Darwin.” . . Read the rest here
Welcome to the revolution. Our elites have exposed their hand. They have nothing to offer. They can destroy but they cannot build. They can repress but they cannot lead. They can steal but they cannot share. They can talk but they cannot speak. They are as dead and useless to […]
[ … neat … … like in ‘Avatar’ ] The “just war” rule has crumbled under the ambitions of empires throughout history. The American-led Anglo Saxon empire is no different. This empire has been brutally conquering and colonizing territory since the fall of Rome. However, it has only gained […]
[ … hope New Zealand’s getting a big slice of the heroin profit pie for the blood we have already spent. We could use it to help pay off all that -crippling- foreign debt ] [youtube]l-egaKQNIzg[/youtube] Afghanis just want NATO out, they want their independence back. NATO cannot go anywhere […]
As ongoing drone strikes from American officials continue to raise questions both home and abroad, a new report suggests that those with perhaps the fewest concerns for the missions are the very authorities that approve them. According to a report published in the Wall Street Journal, a large number […]
From the makers of the smiling assassin comes this nifty piece of work : [youtube]fwo4KL736qM[/youtube] [youtube]mrdL3qKzYpQ[/youtube]
. Since we are about to get well and truly screwed with Asset Sales all over again, it might be prudent to take a moment to reevaluate just how well it worked out last time. View the other five pieces of this eye-widening feature length documentary here Someone Else’s Country […]