[youtube]O-YqET96OO0[/youtube] [youtube]DGH2mr3Qows[/youtube] [youtube]Lrj22lX8Bdo[/youtube] [youtube]KMvJUjZ8rlM[/youtube] [youtube]0OPxDSKY2pE[/youtube] [youtube]nAMd9b2JiFo[/youtube] [youtube]o6I4EtUT0HI[/youtube] [youtube]IvCqIA1a84k[/youtube] [youtube]DtO00Jg6s[/youtube] [youtube]XYLtBQexsiQ[/youtube] [youtube]iz7gxj4jYeM[/youtube]
Australia has expelled an Israeli diplomat saying Israel was behind the forging of Australian passports linked to the murder of a Hamas operative in Dubai. Australia’s foreign minister said these were “not the actions of a friend”. The UK took similar action in March, after concluding that Israel was responsible […]
Here’s to the Greeks. They know what to do when corporations pillage and loot their country. They know what to do when Goldman Sachs and international bankers collude with their power elite to falsify economic data and then make billions betting that the Greek economy will collapse. They know what […]
[youtube]d47FiWo3i1E[/youtube] [youtube]JPOjeEcjRp0[/youtube] [youtube]4Vck_kDNCqA[/youtube] [youtube]B7J3maqlKH8[/youtube] [youtube]twNvZXwg4SY[/youtube]
Work will begin soon on assessing which state assets, if any, will be put on National’s for-sale list going into the next election, says the Prime Minister. John Key indicated yesterday that any part-sale of Kiwibank would be a public float and not a trade sale and that the Government […]
Secret South African documents reveal that Israel offered to sell nuclear warheads to the apartheid regime, providing the first official documentary evidence of the state’s possession of nuclear weapons. The “top secret” minutes of meetings between senior officials from the two countries in 1975 show that South Africa‘s defence […]