Really can’t wait until TVNZ ditches its One Network News sponsor so I can finally start hearing some more interesting factoids on the banks… … like ‘how much money flows out of the country everyday ‘ & financial discussions could finally include statements […]
“Ninety years have passed since World War I ended, yet the Arab world remains divided in accordance to plans enforced by the victors of that war. The region still suffers the consequences of the war … “ Russian News tele really seems to be leaving the western MSM in the […]
“The mere thought that another war will start is terrifying – a lot of people have left the republic together with their children.” Russia’s Foreign Ministry says its troops stationed in South Ossetia are on high alert. This comes after reports of further shelling of the republic by Georgia. […]
[ This from our ‘Bad Parenting’, ‘Inbreeding’, and our ‘Where The Hell Did Our Nanny State Go?’ files … ] Palestinian children from the villages surrounding Tuwani in the south West Bank are often attacked on the way to school by settlers from the illegal outpost of Havat Maon. […]
[ … and speaking of slow-motion land theft and conquest ] 02/08/2009 Israeli occupation police is still continuing its evictions policy and the settlement plans in occupied East Jerusalem brushing aside all the objections of the international community that say that these settlements are illegal. On Sunday, Israeli […]
Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds dropped a bombshell on the Mike Malloy radio show, guest-hosted by Brad Friedman (audio, partial transcript). In the interview, Sibel says that the US maintained ‘intimate relations’ with Bin Laden, and the Taliban, “all the way until that day of September 11.” These ‘intimate relations’ included using Bin Laden […]
Israel has admitted to using white phosphorus during its war on the Gaza Strip earlier this year, but says it did so in accordance with international law. The admission came in a 163-page document published by the Israeli foreign ministry on Thursday ahead of a UN report next week. […]
[A year ago FOX news tried hard and failed to blame this naff crap on Russia … ] On August 8, 2008 Georgia launched a military offensive against its breakaway republic of South Ossetia with an intense bombardment of, among other targets, the Russian peacekeepers’ headquarters and residential areas […]
Charlie Brooker takes a polemical look at the way mainstream western news is made and told. When you watch it, it feels really similar to when someone cracks a window in a crowded public toilet. Season 1 Episode 1 Part 1 – Youtube : [youtube]dm4GiyyVKQQ&feature=PlayList&p=6DD223447015D017&index=0&playnext=1[/youtube] The Project for the New American Century (PNAC), was a Zionist think tank, which during 1997-2006 – played a very significant role in reshaping the Middle East map by Washington which has made Israel is the greatest beneficiary of the so-called “War on Terror”. Zionist William Kristol and Robert […]