Alien disclosure. I always thought it would come with a special meeting of world leaders to solemnly make an earthshaking, life-changing announcement. Instead, it’s come with a few questionable whistleblowers and a resounding yawn. One gets the distinct impression this is the same old distraction game. What are they distracting […]
Military and Defense
“Utilizing the INERTIAL MASS REDUCTION DEVICE our United States Warfighters will achieve Battlefield Supremacy Against all foes” Department of Defense/Department of Navy, case PAX 205 by Martin Harris 7/7/23 A bold and grandiose statement from a recently declassified proposal for a radical new device. But what is this Inertial Mass […]
After this weekend’s whirlwind events in Russia we’re left with a lot more questions than answers about what happened with Wagner Group’s Yevgeny Prigozhin’s abortive rebellion against Moscow. I’m not here to answer any of those questions definitively because we’ll never really know. Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, ‘n […]
Yesterday it started with “unidentified” tanks and armed forces entering Rostock apparently unchallenged and the world watched as mutterings of impending civil war spread around the media channels. Today it appears to be over as Putin retains both power and support in Russia. here’s how it unfolded: 24/6/23 “Unidentified military […]
The chatter about an attack upon a nuclear power plant inside Ukraine has ramped-up exponentially of late, and many of us believed the chatter was about the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) but it’s not. Turns out it is about the South Ukraine Nuclear Power plant because it is being […]
Trump had some secret documents stashed at home, what a naughty boy. The media are going bananas over this, (not a peep about Joe’s stash mind you) but while they’re certain (again) that’s he’s off to jail, none of them are discussing why he had those documents or what their […]
Not “Nuclear weapons” in the sense you might think, but deadly nevertheless. Ed’s note: Anyone who remembers Iraq will remember the depleted uranium shells left lying around in their thousands contaminated the ground and the water supply, resulting in long term health effects and birth defects: Slow genocide by default. […]
UFO disclosure mania is getting tedious. I wish they’d get on with it and bring on Project Blue Beam. Here’s the latest frenzy, and I’m sure there’s much more to come. MH Leslie Kean and Ralph BlumenthalThe DebriefMon, 05 Jun 2023 A former intelligence official turned whistleblower has given Congress […]
More AI madness. What happens when an idiot programmer gives their creation too much freedom. Didn’t these lunatics ever read Frankenstein or watch The Terminator? MH From Jeff Wefferson: “The US Air Force tested an AI enabled drone that was tasked to destroy specific targets. A human operator had the […]
The West is seriously underestimating the risk of nuclear war, a top Vladimir Putin aide has warned. Namita Singh – The Independent May 27, 2023 Dmitry Medvedev, who is Russia’s security council deputy chairman, alleged the West was “not fully realising” the threat of nuclear war. Russia has repeatedly accused the West of […]