[youtube]PTqCwlQODxo[/youtube] [youtube]zHIGSos7rNc[/youtube] [youtube]Rlphle8SFn4[/youtube]
[youtube]GcIHC4KpQjM[/youtube] [youtube]UEW8riKU_tE[/youtube] [youtube]yVpw1SwJRBI[/youtube] [youtube]K1Zulx4mjHk[/youtube] [youtube]XajgoxU-_nc[/youtube] [youtube]I5Pcw6Sqw_g[/youtube] [youtube]dhh21crSohs[/youtube]
Shihad ~ One Will Hear The Other from Scott Ewing on Vimeo.
Official Album Launch of Robert Wyatt / Gilad Atzmon / Ros Stephen ‘For the Ghosts Within’ (Domino Records). The live concert on both dates will feature Cleveland Watkiss – vocals, the Orient House Ensamble and the Sigamos String Quartet. Also performing: Northumberland folk stars The Unthanks sisters, Palestinian hip-hop from […]
[youtube]iGycl-Mn0A8[/youtube] [youtube]jX6xrWSc98E[/youtube]
[ a scorching little belter from the days when the biggest threat to the human race was something called ‘Y2K’ ] [youtube]Nc0zDfH1jog[/youtube] [ … & the good news is that Skunk Anansie are getting their band back together again ]
[ some of the swears in this song have been censored ] [youtube]9GFI6Rf-IkI[/youtube]