Trump Takes-on the entire CIA-media nexus By Jon Rappoport Trump’s attack on the CIA came into focus after the CIA claimed Putin subverted the election on behalf of Trump. The Trump team retorted: Ridiculous; reminds us of the CIA’s phony assessment of Saddam’s WMDs that led to the disastrous […]
NWO US army chiefs are to be handed a laser weapon that developers say will blast drones from the sky. Weapon manufacturing giant Lockheed Martin says it has finished a 60-kilowatt laser system that will be handed to the Army for further testing. First tests on the tank saw it […]
Cynthia McKinney has Rumsfeld by the balls in this 2005 archival footage. Child trafficking, 911, and missing $trillions are all questioned here. A timely reminder.
Well well well… Look who the Hawaii judge met with before ruling against Trump’s executive order! Full article here: President Trump’s revised travel ban was put on hold Wednesday by U.S. District Court Judge Derrick Watson in Hawaii just hours before it was set to take effect after hearing […]
Turkey’s war of words with the Netherlands has worsened after the Turkish president accused the Dutch of carrying out a massacre of Muslim men at Srebrenica, Bosnia, in 1995. Bosnian Serb forces were in fact behind the massacre but Dutch UN peacekeepers failed to protect the victims. Recep Tayyip Erdogan […]
Is this the day financial chaos begins?
The future is going to be ridiculous. BEC CREW 27 FEB 2017 Scientists have figured out how to inject a conducting solution into a rose cutting, and have it spontaneously form wires throughout its stem, leaves, and petals to create fully functioning supercapacitors for energy storage. The so-called e-Plant was […]
‘PM Malcolm Turnbull pushes for childcare ban for unvaccinated children ANNIKA SMETHURST Malcolm Turnbull meets with Toni McCaffery, who lost her daughter Dana in 2009 to whooping cough. UNVACCINATED children will be banned from all childcare centres and preschools in Australia under a hard line proposal spearheaded by the federal […]
Despite all the Climate Change propaganda, it seems certain that Antarctica is growing. With the opposite pole, the facts are harder to discern. Is the Arctic ice growing also? Or is it shrinking ? And why are the elite taking so much interest in Antarctica? Is the […]