Iraqi police recently caught two terrorists with a car full of explosives. Would it surprise you to learn they were British Special Forces? By Matt Hutaff Sep 20, 2005 Source: The story sounds amazing, almost fantastical. A car driving through the outskirts of a besieged city opens fire on […]
UK ‘Undercover Soldiers’ Driving Booby-Trapped Car By Michel Chossudovsky Global Research Editor 9-21-5 The following Reuters report raises some disturbing questions. Why were undercover British soldiers wearing traditional Arab headscarves firing at Iraqi police?
Earthpulse Press The questions you’ve always wanted answers to, but were too afraid to ask…
Source: Was The New Orleans Flooding A Planned Event? Commentary By Michael Shore – Israel 9-9-5 The following eyewitness accounts produced the following statement by the people who were there and witnessed first hand what was going on in New Orleans and this is what they had to say […]