Why Gulf Oil Disaster is Blessing in Disguise by Ray Songtree There are many who look ahead with despair. This is because many see the end to our consumptive way of life coming soon, with a clueless populace unaware of this inevitability. Many see die back as very probable, and […]
Many folks still don’t get it. There was a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico in August of 2005. It caused huge damage in Mississippi but very MODEST damage in New Orleans. What catastrophically damaged New Orleans was flooding caused by the failure of the federal levee system – an […]
He’s one of the only national-level politicians who takes a stand for the country and its citizens (in contrasts with the shills on both sides of the aisle who work for Wall Street, the Pentagon, Big Pharma and other assorted crooks.) But recently, we discovered a surprising “secret” about Mr. […]
… and that’s because most Semitic folks speak arabic. and if you don’t like it ? – then I believe that you can go to Hell. Those who are curious & unsqueamish about what Hell actually looks like can click on the link, below https://www.vimeo.com/8510167 One Year Ago Today. Happy […]
[ The Century Of The Self – easily the wackiest thing that you will see all year … ] https://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8953172273825999151#
The Millenial Perspective Student kicked out of school, undergoes psych evaluation for drawing Jesus on cross Date: 12/15/2009 11:01:25 AM Elijah Friedeman, the Millennial Perspective This is outrageous. When told by his teacher to draw something that reminded him of Christmas, this kid drew a picture of Jesus on the cross. […]
The Northern Imposed Imbalance (or: ‘Why Is My Life Getting More Expensive?’) By Scott Ewing, 8th September 2009 I was on my way to work when it hit me – something went, like a fan belt snapping or the crack of a hip bone. My life is getting more expensive. […]