Eric Peters talks about why chocolate bars are now smaller, about ‘massaging’ all the value out of a product, and also about why it is that your life is slowly getting more expensive [ … whether you really knew that or not. ] Article & Video here
The man who forced the government of Iceland to resign, and removed the IMF representatives from his country, Hörður Torfason, is now teaching meta-modern democracy throughout Europe. The rest of the world would benefit from following the example set by Iceland: Arresting the corrupt bankers who are responsible for the […]
Can you say : ‘Fractional Reserve Gold Banking’ ?
. Fascism being : The fusion of government and big business. Article and video here
… who also happens to be a former ‘The Apprentice’ contestant
You don’t need me to tell you how bad things are. You already know. You already know that the wealth of American workers is being stripped away to prop up a failed private central banking system that issues the public currency as a loan at interest, by design creating more […]
With a Eurozone record of 27 percent of Greeks unemployed, people are taking a pro-active approach to the crisis. Activists from the ‘We Won’t Pay’ movement, which boasts 10,000 members, are illegally reconnecting power to hundreds of homes. Read the rest here
A confessional by a former global banker, John Perkins, on the use of usury to enslave independent nations by the IMF, World Bank and other agencies. As part of their plan, the bankers use assassination, slander, and coups to maintain their positions of power and to prevent the truth about […]