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[ … which is still – the last time I looked the most expensive piece of ‘real’ estate on the monopoly board ] [youtube]WXhqvAbUDmg[/youtube] The Investment Banking Awards are the Oscars of the financial world. Dished out for so-called ‘innovation’, some of the world’s richest bankers gather together to congratulate […]
Every economy is planned. This traditionally has been the function of government. Relinquishing this role under the slogan of “free markets” leaves it in the hands of banks. Yet the planning privilege of credit creation and allocation turns out to be even more centralized than that of elected public officials. […]
A documentary looking behind the scenes of a successful 3 month occupation of Aotea Square in Oct to Dec 2011. [ Contains some interesting factiods that you never heard on television – and never will ] Occupy Auckland 2011 from Larissa Wallin on Vimeo.
According to studies, Venezuela has overtaken Saudi Arabia to become number one in the world for proven oil reserves, largely thanks to the heavy crude found in the Orinoco Belt. Whether this multi-trillion dollar asset is controlled by Hugo Chávez or the opposition challenger, Henrique Capriles, will influence which countries […]
[ h / t : Lommy. If Bill Hicks and Ewen Gilmore were ever to be able to somehow together have a child then it would probably look a lot like this ] [youtube]zGuU4xe225A[/youtube]
[youtube]CDcRpCHfRgs[/youtube] Police Fire On Protestors Inside Subway Here Madrid police fire rubber bullets as thousands surround Spanish Congress Here
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a free-trade agreement led by the United States in partnership with Asia-Pacific nations like Brunei, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and others. If the agreement is accepted by all participatory nations and successfully passed, signatory countries must conform to a rigid set of legal regulations, including […]
What is more of a threat to our liberties then standing armies is the banking cartel and the corporate oligarchy. These corporations and the Bankers seek to have a monopoly over a commodity or something the people need crushing any form of competition that will rival their control. Iceland […]