Church of Malthus evangelist, Paul Gilding in his “the Earth is Full” talk, tells us one million years of human progress has “finally” reached its limits. This is a tale that has been fallaciously told for at least the last 200 years since crackpot economist Thomas Malthus warned of imminent […]
[youtube]6EAtsePBAJQ[/youtube] The Chinese economy had the slowest growth rate in more than 3 years, growing at just 8.1 percent during the first trimester of this year, compared with 8.9 percent growth for previous periods. .
[ UPDATE ~ Apparently this story is a hoax … ] The government of Iceland has forgiven the mortgage debt for much of its population. This nation chose a very different way of stopping the crisis from the rest of European countries. It decided to hear the requests of the […]
But ten years ago ~ this one was. Video [youtube]3ZajyVas4Jg[/youtube]–ZFtjR5c
Listen to what she said at 23 seconds, this should be mentioned everywhere. JP Morgan gave $1 million to Invisible Children to produce that 30 minute video that has over 87 million views. JP Morgan isn\’t funding Invisible Children because they care for the Ugandans, they only care for the […]
This highly-watchable documentary begins by explaining the enormous power that was given to corporations by giving them the rights of a person. But if corporations have the same rights as a person, what kind of person is the corporation ? [ Hint : The answer starts with a ‘P’ – […]
[ If you do give a damn about the financial future of your own children – then there’s really no excuse for not understanding these very knowable reasons as to why you are now having to work harder and harder for less. This little girl lays it all out. ] […]
Flamenco flashmob by flo6x8 inside a bank in Sevilla, Spain to protest against the financial system. [youtube]72jYiDLKa1k[/youtube]
Ever wanted to get out of bed everyday and rob your fellow man ? Learn the different methods you can use … and learn who is using them on YOU right now. [youtube]2oHbwdNcHbc[/youtube]