[ … hopefully … ] Read the rest here [youtube]6cVCxDnqTUQ[/youtube] [youtube]7L8yldV53ic[/youtube]
South West Asia
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5I–kw_ebA&feature=sub [youtube]i5I–kw_ebA[/youtube]
Roger Tucker considers the linguistic root, visual representation, usage and practise of fascism, and examines the circumstances under which the concept, “which is neither good nor bad in itself”, becomes malevolent. To illustrate, he looks at two contemporary examples of fascism: the USA and Israel. ”Fascism … it is a […]
The government of the Netherlands commissioned a study to answer the question of legality of the US-led armed attack of Iraq (here, here, here). Their conclusion is unanimous among their panel of legal experts: there is no legal justification. The war is unlawful. Read more here
There is nothing new in a government lying to their people to start a war. Indeed because most people prefer living in peace to bloody and horrific death in war, any government that desires to initiate a war usually lies to their people to create the illusion that support for […]
[ Israel is & has been expanding its own territory by knocking down other people’s houses and building settler colonies. This is the Root Cause of the ongoing conflict ] Palestinian sources say Israeli military forces began to demolish their homes in the northern West Bank after evacuating some 40 […]
On September 13, 2009, Dr. Graeme MacQueen presented a speech titled 9/11 Truth : the Challenge to the Peace Movement “We Demand Transparency – For Peace, Truth, & a New Economics.” [youtube]NUISz8Uwh6A[/youtube] [youtube]eY9IlDDpvzc[/youtube] [youtube]C3Bte5ULPD8[/youtube] [youtube]mCzHeCCDp74[/youtube]
Newsman Wes Nisker Said : “If You Don’t Like The News, Make Your Own”. These People Did. It was a dark year, 2009, sealing a dark decade. It began with the world in economic free-fall and the Gaza Strip being bombed to pieces (again). We watched the vicious crushing of […]
Put your ideas and convictions on film! itISapartheid.org in partnership with Stop the Wall announce the first international Israeli Apartheid Video Contest As part of the colonial conflict in Palestine, Israel has instituted a policy of apartheid that separates Palestinians from Israelis and Palestinians from each other, creating an oppressive […]
[youtube]c1jqLximBZI[/youtube] [youtube]n1r1hNjxVfU[/youtube] [ & ] https://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1656880303867390173#