Since coming to power, President Obama has not delivered on many of his campaign promises and vast ethnic communities still suffer from high unemployment, poor education and healthcare, says hip-hop trio Rebel Diaz. Source
South West Asia
Man’s Lunch Ruined By Murderous Zionist Piece Of Sh*t. [youtube]qhznZ-d5h7Y[/youtube]
Shahar Peer ASB 2010 Tour Police Arrest John Minto [youtube]NLclVgc_BtA[/youtube] Facts Interview after Police arrest (uncut) [youtube]_c7eodyPUfM[/youtube] Shahar Peer ASB 2010 tour Protest Part 3 Auckland New Zealand [youtube]o_qyq5PsCEY[/youtube] Shahar Peer ASB 2010 tour Protest Part 4 Auckland New Zealand [youtube]6SXjIzh0C84[/youtube] Shahar Peer ASB 2010 tour Protester and police on […]
[ This century’s ‘Master Race’ – back in action ] Gaza – Ma’an – israeli warplanes carried out a series of raids on sites throughout the Gaza Strip late Thursday night, witnesses said and Israel’s military confirmed. Three citizens were killed and two others injured in the Israeli raids that […]
THE FEDERAL RESERVE: A CRIMINAL CARTEL IN WHICH THE WORLD IS SILENT ABOUT By Fahim A. Knight-EL No one wants to admit, especially not our elected politicians that the problem, which is destroying and ripping the United States and globe apart, is the Federal Reserve System, but this writer suspects […]
[youtube]vBPFEN95npg[/youtube] Unbeknownst to most in the west/north – the root cause of this decades old conflict is slow Israeli border expansion (through Palestinian house demolition and ‘settlement’ construction). Most in the west/north aren’t aware of this – because the mainstream media sources are quite complicit in this ongoing gradualised […]
The truth is that far from being the poor victim it likes to portray itself as, Israel is in fact the most aggressive and belligerent nation in the region, having invaded pretty much everyone it shares a border with. The following maps show what Israel has actually done.
[youtube]04EcEb4eMEM[/youtube] Our situation is now at a crisis point! Riot has broken out in the port of Al- Arish. This late afternoon we were negotiating with a senior official from Cairo who left negotiations some two hours ago and did not return. Our negotiations with the official was regarding taking our aid vehicles into […]
Scam, scam, scam, scam, scam. Roundly dedicated to these saps who still believe that what humanity will eventually just have to do in order to survive is to – in the future – somehow carve a few billion of us of the face of the planet like fat off last […]