HA ! 🙂 [youtube]ysa8sVGllQI[/youtube]
South West Asia
One of the cornerstones of Australian cinema is Peter Weir’s highly acclaimed 1981 war drama “Gallipoli” which was instrumental in making Mel Gibson a star and influenced many war films around the globe that followed. [youtube]i8e7ECdG69U[/youtube] Now in an extensive interview with The 7:30 Report (via TVNZ, Peter Jackson revealed […]
Press TV Renowned American sociopolitical analyst Noam Chomsky says Israel functions as Washington’s main weapons storage base in the Middle East. “Israel is essentially a US military base, the US positions weapons there, that’s a very close military and intelligence tie,” the Jewish academic told Press TV on Wednesday while […]
https://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/65525b90-e8ed-11de-a756-00144feab49a.html?nc… By James Blitz in London and Vita Bekker in Tel Aviv December 14 2009 A warrant for the arrest of Tzipi Livni, the Israeli opposition leader, was formally issued by a London magistrates court last Saturday, one day before she had been scheduled to address a conference in the […]
Reflections on a Recent Evaluation of Dr. David Ray Griffin by Elizabeth Woodworth The cover story of the September 24, 2009, issue of The New Statesman, [ … no, not that New Statesman – this New Statesman : ] the venerable left-leaning British magazine, was entitled “The 50 People […]
An excerpt from the recently published book The Mother of All Battles: The Endless U.S.-Iraq War by Malcom Lagauche: In December 2003, we all saw the photos of a disheveled Saddam Hussein after he was pulled out of a “spider hole” in a town near Tikrit. The administration laughed and the […]
Tony Blair told Fern Britton, in an interview to be broadcast on BBC1, that he would have found a way to justify the Iraq invasion. [ it’s people like tony blair that make me pray and wish for places like Westminster and the District of Columbia to be flattened by […]
Trailer and clips from In The Loop, the new comedy from comic genius Armando Iannucci, the man behind The Day Today (the forerunner to the genius that is ‘Brasseye‘), I’m Alan Partridge and The Thick Of It. Profanity may offend. [youtube]dQrqMkCuHqA[/youtube] [youtube]EAA74aXZXlg&NR=1[/youtube] [youtube]reTHiReUNo4[/youtube] [youtube]LugJd6uGJqI[/youtube] [youtube]wa3eoMnMC80[/youtube]
[ … not that these evil swine pay any attention to anyone’s war laws ] The US is at unlawful war with Pakistan, having bombed over 50 sites and killing over 400. the Pakistan government rejects this violation of their nation, but just as the US has no respect for […]
https://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/dyinginafghanistan.php [ … it just makes you feel so, so, proud … ]