Exclusive From Gary Jacobucci 8-25-9 Dr. Laibow’s presentation on squalene during the second hour of your program last night, 8-24, was impressive. In looking for some verification of the ‘million-times more squalene’ than was in ‘Vaccine A’ that caused the catastrophic Gulf War I Illness (which ruined the lives […]

Source: By Stephen Lendman 8-3-9 Alan G. Philips is an attorney with the following credentials: — he’s one of the few American lawyers whose practice includes vaccine exemption and waiver issues; — he advises other attorneys seeking help for their own clients on vaccine exemptions; — he co-founded Citizens […]

There are a number of serious concerns about the planned H1N1 vaccination programme: 1) Baxter produced a seasonal flu vaccine for Europe earlier this year that was contaminated with live Bird Flu (H5N1) viruses.  (Fortunately the contamination was discovered before the vaccine was injected into anyone.) Baxter claims the contamination […]
