By F. William Engdahl WHO’s ‘Mr Flu’ Holland’s Albert Osterhaus has deep ties to pharma industry. (surprise, surprise!) UK Pharma Giant GlaxoSmithKline is at the heart of the WHO scandals of influence peddling (What great headliners eh! 🙂 The man with the nickname “Dr Flu”, Professor Albert Osterhaus, of the […]
(NaturalNews) One of the key researchers involved in the clinical trials for both Gardasil and Cevarix cervical cancer vaccines has gone public with warnings about their safety and effectiveness. This highly unusual warning against these vaccines by one of Big Pharma’s own researchers surfaced in an exclusive interview with the […]
THE QUESTION REMAINS: WHY ARE HOSPITALS AND DOCTORS NOT ADMINISTERING THE ONLY EFFECTIVE TREATMENTS FOR VIRAL INFECTIONS – INTRAVENOUS VITAMIN C and COLLOIDAL SILVER???? – Ed New reports from Iowa and North Carolina are raising concerns that the deadly H1N1 swine flu mutations that have been confirmed by the WHO […]
The question, of course, is why this isn’t standard protocol??? – Ed ++++++++++++++++ Source: Video:—Miracle-Cure/tabid/371/articleID/171328/Default.aspx 29 September 2009 A 56 year old male was referred to Auckland Hospital ICU on 1 July 2009 with total respiratory failure, for ECMO external oxygenation. The patient had contracted H1N1 Swine […]
Best report yet. – Ed. [youtube]YEN3swiFcYY[/youtube] [ … oh, dear … ] Source Today, the MSM are not talking about this case any more. Yesterday, they wanted us to believe that Joseph Moshe was a nutcase and a terrorist, arrested for threatening to bomb the White House. Interesting detail about his arrest (the “Westwood […]
This is from The Lancet, one of the most prestigious establishment medical journals in the world. As more and more are concerned about forced vaccinations, the flu, and many other related issues there is a growing need to provide answers. Hopefully I can help you. I have some very important information for you that should answer most of your questions. Personally, my position is firm, […]
[youtube]xbkT-AhDNRE[/youtube] Number Of People In Ukraine With Mystery Illness Almost Doubles In Two Days To over Half A Million! The pandemic situation in Ukraine has rapidly gotten worse. In fact, the number of people in Ukraine who have contracted serious respiratory illness has almost doubled in two days to over half […]