What Your Doctor Won’t Tell
Ed note: This story cites a study by the British Medical Journal which concludes that that Flu Vaccine is INEFFECTIVE. https://mednauseum.blogspot.com/2006/10/british-medical-journal-article-flu.html
Related Article: Deadly immunity by Robert F Kennedy published in Rolling Stone [youtube]ry7toSjjgXE[/youtube]
Source: https://www.imva.info/news/news30-browser.html It is not monsters from space that are planning this attack but human monsters who make rapists and your typical mass murderers look like choir boys. It takes a very special type of human consciousness, something beyond arrogance and hate to plan a simultaneous assault on billions of […]
Dear Editor I went to the High Court 18months ago hoping for compensation for what happened to me in psychiatry many years ago, because of abuse and forced Electro convulsive shocks, so called “treatment “against my will . I got nothing for my efforts and pains but the lawyer Sonja […]
On the Kim Hill Show at 8:10am is cancer researcher Paul Talalay, M.D. He is the John Jacob Abel Distinguished Service Professor of Pharmacology and Director of the Laboratory for Molecular Sciences at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore. He also is the founder of The Brassica Chemoprotection […]
It is time to post this again. It has been updated since it was first posted on this site. Go here for links to Femacamper’s site to see the original article. Femacamper has lived in three countries where there were outbreaks and he knows of people who have used it […]
This is the latest e-mail from the Natural Solutions Foundation www.HealthFreedomUSA.org www.GlobalHealthFreedom.org April 20, 2009 Urgent! Health Freedom and Natural Solutions Under Attack! NONE OF THE LINKS IN THIS EMAIL ARE SET UP TO BE ‘LIVE’. KEEP READING AND LEARN WHY, WHILE YOU LEARN HOW YOUR HEALTH FREEDOM IS UNDER […]
(NaturalNews) Dr. Sherry Tenpenny speaks out against the dangers of vaccines in an exclusive audio interview published today on NaturalNews.com. Author of the book Saying No to Vaccines (www.SayingNoToVaccines.com), Dr. Tenpenny is a well-informed, vocal opponent of mandatory vaccination policies and a well-respected educator on health freedom and vaccine exemption […]