On the 24th of February, Dr Nikki Turner of the Immunisation Advisory Centre gave a presentation about Gardasil to 28 members of the public in Whangarei at the Forum North events centre. Although people were advised by The Whangarei Report that this meeting was to help them become informed, in […]
What Your Doctor Won’t Tell
As can be seen in the letter below, according to the Immunisation Advisory Centre (IMAC) at Auckland University: “There are no serious events believed to be caused by the [Gardasil] vaccine. The deaths reported following vaccination are mainly motor vehicle accidents and other unrelated events.” IMACs Ms Petousis-Harris made this […]
Interesting. Mostly about animals, but pretty much applies to humans as well. Science of Vaccine Damage The following outstanding article, proving what I have been saying for almost 12 years about how vaccines cause autoimmune disease and cancer, is indisputable. I suggest you send this to everyone you know.
https://www.vitamincfoundation.org/surefire.htm “I tried your cold/flu therapy, and it works 100%…like magic! “Great web site! I applaud your efforts.” – G. K. Gloucester, MA We predict that you will find both of the following ultra-high-dose vitamin C cold (and flu) cures surprisingly effective. (Let us know!)
https://www.naturalnews.com/025596.html (NaturalNews) Conventional medical doctors around the world (and the drug companies that support them) want all children to be vaccinated against measles, mumps, HPV, chicken pox and literally over a hundred other diseases. Bill Gates even supports the effort to “eradicate” disease from our planet by vaccinating people in […]
I have compiled a series of so far five episodes about vaccination and have uploaded them onto youtube and The DoctorsVideos: 1: Vaccine ingredients 2: Are vaccines safe? 3. Are vaccines effective 4: Doctors speak out! 5: Smallpox vaccination youtube: This link is for episode one; you will find the […]
NANOSILVER REGULATION POINTED AT COLLOIDAL SILVER This morning I googled "nanosilver regulation"… Whew! how that witch hunt has grown. It appears that many of the "grassroots organizations" screaming for regulation are thinly disguised pharmaceutical industry fronts. Based on the stupid premise that minute discharges of silver into the waterways may […]
https://clinicalevidence.bmj.com/ceweb/about/knowledge.jsp How much do we know? BMJ Clinical Evidence aims to help people make informed decisions about which treatments to use. It can also show where more research is needed. For clinicians and patients we wish to highlight treatments that work and for which the benefits outweigh the harms, especially […]
https://www.naturalnews.com/023340.htm (NaturalNews) A non-psychoactive chemical that occurs naturally in the marijuana plant may prevent breast cancer from spreading, according to a study published in the journal Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. Researchers found that a chemical called cannabidiol (CBD) affects the activity of a gene known as Id-1 in patients with hormone-independent […]