By Ivor Hughes 6/9/08 A radical monopoly feeds upon itself. Iatrogenic Medicine reinforces a morbid society in which the social control of the population by the medical system turns into a principle economic activity; it serves to legitimise social arrangements into which many people do not fit.


FROM: Then we have this pernicious practice of vaccination whereby filth is pumped into a baby’s body based on Pasteur’s Germ Theory… A theory which has long since been discredited. The statistics that they publish as their proof of efficacy are nothing more than massaged frauds that may be […]

3 Louise Hall, Health Reporter August 17, 2008 THE cervical cancer vaccine is under fresh scrutiny after three women were struck down with pancreatitis soon after receiving the injection. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is investigating whether the shot of Gardasil caused the sudden inflammation of the pancreas in the […] By Dr Phil Hammond Each year thousands of hospital patients die as a result of human error. In a new Radio 4 programme GP Phil Hammond -who exposed the Bristol babies heart scandal in the 1990s – examines whether enough is being done to protect us. Dr Phil Hammond: […] Monday, 20 September 2004, 4:22 pm Press Release: Ron Law Press Release: Ministry’s Advice on Paracetamol is Unscientific and Unsafe Ron Law Beyond Alternative Solutions "The Ministry of Health’s advice regarding the use of paracetamol in children is unscientific and unsafe," says Ron Law, a risk and policy analyst. […]

1 American psychiatry has been rocked by Congress. Congressional investigators first exposed the financial relationships between high-profile psychiatrists and drug companies. "But now the profession itself is under attack in Congress," reported the New York Times on July 12, 2008. Specifically under attack is psychiatry’s premier professional organization, the American […]
