By Clare Swinney Danish scientist, Professor Niels Harrit, reported during a news item that aired on April the 6th in Denmark that nano-thermite was responsible for the collapse of WTC 1 and 2 on 9/11, not planes controlled by hijackers. This is HUGE news given all that was hinged on […]
New Zealand
Thursday, 9 April 2009, 12:15 pm Press Release: New Zealand Parliamentarians Group on Population Embargoed until 1130am 9 April Cross-Party Parliamentarians’ Group Calls for Focus on Population Issues in ETS Review Wellington, 9 April 2009: Gender, sexual and reproductive health, and other population issues need to be at the heart […]
Traitors Within the NZ Parliament? Parliamentarians for Global Action (formally known as Parliamentarians for World Governance), a covert group operating in the NZ House of Parliament. By Lorraine Smith, 8th of April 2009. I have been reading a book written by Denis McKenna called The Sellout of New Zealand, which […]
NZHerald 3:11PM Thursday Apr 02, 2009 There has been a sharp rise in the number of New Zealanders with no religious affiliation, new research shows. For the story, go to the link to the NZ Herald at the top of the page. – NZPA Artwork by Brocke Lever.
By Ian Wishart The Ministry of Health is paying thousands of dollars to schools who agree to push teenage girls into being vaccinated with Gardasil, the new cervical cancer inoculation. A letter sent by the Ministry of Education to school principals this week states that “To recognize the role that […]
Should the New Zealand government be engaging in such negotiations in light of all the evidence that shows that “man-made global warming” is a scam? For example, the IPCC has been caught fabricating data and even one of the IPCC reviewers warns that global warming is a scam, plus as […]
The New Zealand Herald is asking for your views on this topic here: Tell them what you think. It states: “Army heads are calling for recruits from the armed forces to man an anti-terror squad responsible for domestic security. A defence source last night said the recruitment drive was prompted […] Thursday, March 5, 2009 Privately, with friends and family, I’ve been referring to New Zealand as Iceland 2. The financial situation here is not quite as absurd as Iceland’s, but the comparison is legitimate because of New Zealand’s extremely high debt load. —NEW ZEALAND FOREIGN DEBT SITUATION CRITICAL: […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: On Monday morning bloggers from across the political spectrum will be taking their blogs down in an “Internet Blackout” to protest the coming into force on the 28th of S92A of the Copyright Act. Scores and scores of bloggers will be taking part, including Public Address, Scoop, […]
BY PENNY BRIGHT 5 October 2008 Just before 5pm Friday 3 October 2008, I lodged a formal complaint with the Serious Fraud Office about National Party leader John Key’s failure to declare his pecuniary interest in Tranz Rail shares at a time it was an ‘Item of Business’ before Parliament. […]