9/11 Petition Read in Canadian Parliament https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_B_vxGbYEU 9/11 Blogger.com | June 12, 2008 New Democratic Party Deputy House Leader Libby Davies delivers a Parliamentary Petition signed by over 500 Canadians demanding a new 9/11 investigation, in Canada’s House of Commons during Routine Proceedings at 1:10 pm on June 10, 2008 […]
Year: 2023
dailygalaxy.com Dark spots, some as large as 50,000 miles in diameter, typically move across the surface of the sun, contracting and expanding as they go. These strange and powerful phenomena are known as sunspots, but now they are all gone. Not even solar physicists know why it’s happening and what […]
Unusual Reactive Behavior Evidence of Electronic Mind Control in Switzerland? (June 10, 2008) Ken, I’ve been trying to help a fellow in Switzerland who found me via Educate-Yourself. Rather strangely, he has been giving me a liberal education about health, and I thought I was well rounded in natural health! […]
Did you know scientists aren’t sure what’s causing climate change? by M. J. Molyneaux, (MIPENZ), B.Sc. [Eng Mat]; B. Soc. Sc. Hons., M.A.[psychometry research] While newspapers report a general consensus among scientific institutions that climate change in modern times is caused mainly by the combustion of fossil fuels and even […]
https://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article4984.html While attention has been focused on the relatively tiny US „sub-prime“ home mortgage default crisis as the center of the current financial and credit crisis impacting the Anglo-Saxon banking world, a far larger problem is now coming into focus. Sub-prime or high-risk Collateralized Mortgage Obligations, CMOs as they are […]
FROM: https://www.bestcyrano.org/THOMASPAINE/?p=745 Then we have this pernicious practice of vaccination whereby filth is pumped into a baby’s body based on Pasteur’s Germ Theory… A theory which has long since been discredited. The statistics that they publish as their proof of efficacy are nothing more than massaged frauds that may be […]
Writing in the New Statesman, John Pilger refers back to his travels with Robert Kennedy to describe the false hopes offered by those, like Barack Obama, who exploit the appeal of liberalism then present a very different reality. In this season of 1968 nostalgia, one anniversary illuminates today. It is […]
In his most recent post, Richard Heinberg asks “How Do You Like Collapse So Far?” and also asks why we should think or talk about collapse if there’s nothing we can do about it? He suggests that in the face of the gargantuan unraveling over which we have very little […]