If the CIA is so worthy an institution, why have those responsible for 9/11 not yet been punished? US President Barack Obama has told the CIA it remains key to protecting the country, days after releasing memos on its harsh interrogation techniques. In a visit to CIA HQ to boost […]
Month: April 2023
To see the video go to the BBC site here. Diplomats have walked out of a UN anti-racism conference during a speech by the Iranian president in which he described Israel as “totally racist”. Dozens of delegates got up and left, moments after two protesters wearing coloured wigs disrupted the […]
If you haven’t got a copy of The Obama Deception yet folks – make sure you do. It is excellent. Prisonplanet.com From protecting Bush officials who ordered torture from prosecution, to maintaining and expanding the American empire, to warrantless wiretapping of American citizens, all have remained and intensified under Obama […]
The merger of corporate and government powers in modern America is plain and simple fascism, believes Gerald Celente, the founder of the Trends Research Institute and publisher of Trends Journal. For the video, go here. By Russia Today April 19, 2009 ” Russia Today” — Celente takes an in-depth look […]
By Lorraine Smith I was on youtube on Sunday and found a really good interview that took place in the US on the 13th April between William K Black, Professor of Economics, and Bill Moyers. It was actually broadcast on mainstream media which is amazing given what was said about […]
UPDATE ON LLOYD PYE AT UNCENSORED SYMPOPSIUM (April 26). Lloyd is our Keynote Speaker. Everyone: The recent “UFO Hunters” show for anyone who missed it and might want to see it without waiting for a rerun. They are listed in five roughly 9 minute segments. The Starchild skull is featured […]
More about the depredations of the manufacturer of Gardasil. Here’s the headline for this story: Vioxx maker Merck and Co drew up doctor hit list https://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,25272600-2702,00.html The fact is Merck are taking a proverbial bath on the Vioxx scandal, which may be why they fast tracked the dodgy and dangerous […]
I have little to say at the moment on the details of the Bush torture memos released by the Obama Administration, beyond what I have been writing for many years now about these sickening practices, and what they say about America’s bipartisan, imperial elite, which countenanced them, and often openly […]
Cleveland Gun Rights Examiner We’ve all seen the news stories about how retail sales of firearms have been at record levels ever since Barack Obama won the election. Two primary reasons have been cited for this spike in ownership, uncertainty about the economy leading to fears of increased crime and […]