[ … and now here’s Eduardo Galeano with what appears to be some pretty gosh, darn good questions … ] August 13, 2009 I’d like to share with you some questions–some flies that keep buzzing in my head. Is justice right side up? Has world justice been frozen in […]

Source: https://rense.com/general86/vacci.htm By Stephen Lendman 8-3-9 Alan G. Philips is an attorney with the following credentials: — he’s one of the few American lawyers whose practice includes vaccine exemption and waiver issues; — he advises other attorneys seeking help for their own clients on vaccine exemptions; — he co-founded Citizens […]

“Human Universals” is a term used in anthropology and evolutionary psychology to refer to behavioral or cognitive traits common to all neurologically normal humans. The notion of human universals was partially formulated as a challenge to cultural relativism, a predominant view of human nature in the late 20th century, which […]


Source: The Guardian In 2003, at a meeting with a group of senior staff from the US judge advocate general’s office (which deals with criminal trials of military personnel), I was told that as a result of decisions taken in the Bush White House, a long American tradition of compliance […]
