The question, of course, is why this isn’t standard protocol??? – Ed ++++++++++++++++ Source: Video:—Miracle-Cure/tabid/371/articleID/171328/Default.aspx 29 September 2009 A 56 year old male was referred to Auckland Hospital ICU on 1 July 2009 with total respiratory failure, for ECMO external oxygenation. The patient had contracted H1N1 Swine […]

Source: Appearing on The Alex Jones Show yesterday, Lord Christopher Monckton went further than ever before in his vehement opposition to the elitists running the climate change scam, calling for the UN to be shut down and for fraudulent peddlers of global warming propaganda like Al Gore to be […]

Source: Climategate e-mails sweep America, may scuttle Barack Obama’s Cap and Trade laws Just a few considerations in addition to previous remarks about the explosion of the East Anglia Climategate e-mails in America. The reaction is growing exponentially there. Fox News, Barack Obama’s Nemesis, is now on the case, […]

Richard Gage Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Monday November 30, 6-9pm Trades Hall 147 Gt North Rd Grey lynn (Lower Auditorium) Register with: Willl Ryan, 021 802 773 FREE entry (donations encouraged to help cover costs) Tell your friends to come along especially if they doubt the official […]
