Blood Lust : Israelis Back New Strike On Gaza Amid Calls To Prosecute ‘War Criminals’

A recent poll has revealed more than half of Israelis approve of another attack on Gaza.

[ Some Mo-fos just didn’t learn a damn thing from WWII as to how to treat other people ]

That’s despite widespread international condemnation of last year’s offensive which killed more than 1300 Palestinians.

It comes as recent Goldstone Gaza report said Israel committed war crimes, and there’ve been many claims of the use of banned weapons.

Hundreds of demonstrators have gathered in Washington calling for an end to Israel’s blockade on Gaza. It comes after the first anniversary of the beginning of the war between Israel and Hamas.

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A Brief History Of US Interventions In The Middle East 1949 - 2002

Thu Feb 4 , 2010
1949 : CIA backs military coup in Syria, ousting elected government. 1953 : CIA overthrows democratically elected Iranian government, placing the Shah in power. In 1951, Iranian parliament had nationalized the British Anglo-Iranian oil company. This popular move was spearheaded by the reformer, Mossadegh, who was elected prime minister shortly […]

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