An electronic Press Kit for Oliver Stone’s new doco Official site here [youtube]76IxxapAHQo[/youtube] [youtube]fI446mXonu0[/youtube] [youtube]rY53DmmkyBQ[/youtube] [youtube]zWH8i8I3V0M[/youtube] [youtube]3hOdXCk1gwA[/youtube] [youtube]upj0XP8MDng[/youtube] [youtube]m2p_xgL_o9E[/youtube] [youtube]iIc8R70JpLc[/youtube] [youtube]RVqzxfpZsDM[/youtube] [youtube]uy4-EDF4_H8[/youtube] [youtube]KwyguUeNj_M[/youtube]

[youtube]N-Af0ar7gE4[/youtube] “Vaccines given to YOUNG CHILDREN are more dangerous than anything you give to an adult. It is only logical that their brains are in development and the blood brain barrier is underdeveloped!”  – YouTube comment by MyHushpuppy Related article: https://uncensored.co.nz/2009/03/17/the-truth-behind-the-vaccine-coverup-by-russell-l-blaylock-md/


[youtube]pNjb1MGmGDc[/youtube] [youtube]GxhMmjDlIC0[/youtube] [youtube]OrkpcbmXAWE[/youtube] “This series is based on an article by Jeff Gates, who is a widely acclaimed author, attorney, merchant banker, educator and consultant to governments worldwide, who served for seven years as counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance. He is the author of Guilt by Association, […]


The oil is moving east. It’s already hit the panhandle of Florida and is now bearing down on Tampa. Next stop, the Florida Keys. What happens after that should be of interest to everyone who lives on or received rain from the North Atlantic Ocean. Video: https://www.brasschecktv.com/page/875.html

Source: sott.net The issue of methane and outgassing has occupied me to quite some extent for the past few years particularly after writing New Light on the Black Death: The Cosmic Connection. I even asked theSOTT.net editors to keep their eyes open for news items about anything that might be related […]
