Polish NATO Troops Blow Up Afghan Home For Fun


Polish soldiers blew the vacated Afghan cottage up

It is a three-minute film. At first one can see left Afghan buildings, then moment of dropping one of cottages off and Polish soldiers. Also their commentaries are heard.

Blowing the civilian building up is breaking international conventions, among others Geneva.

A ban on attacking civilian buildings is a basis of the international law. Irrespective of, whether he is worth million of dollars, whether is a neglected cottage – is saying Dr. Elżbieta Mikos-Skuza, vice-chairman of the Polish Red Cross, expert of the humanitarian law.

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Larry Silverstein & WTC 7 "Pull It" High Resolution (PBS Version)

Sun Aug 15 , 2010
[ You decide.   ] [youtube]Wq-0JIR38V0[/youtube]

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