There was a time, not too long ago (relatively speaking), that governments and the groups of elites that controlled them did not find it necessary to conscript themselves into wars of disinformation. Propaganda was relatively straightforward. The lies were much simpler. The control of information flow was easily directed. […]

Alex Garland writer of the acheingly apocalyptic yet head-pokeingly brilliant cinematic outings : The Beach, [youtube]1EJ1T0cf-Wk[/youtube] 28 Days Later, [youtube]TgMc-y5FrU4[/youtube] Sunshine, [youtube]r8BSlqHAhuY[/youtube] ~ and screen-scribe of the horrendously depressing yet undeniably exceptional ‘all clones are inherently fucked’ fest : Never Let Me Go, [youtube]sXiRZhDEo8A[/youtube] has been busy rebooting, rewinding,  and […]
