Reuters reported, “Tunisia “to withdraw recognition” of Syria government,”and specifically that newly appointed Tunisian president Moncef Marzouki made the announcement on his Facebook page. Reuters also notes “Tunisia’s decision to sever ties with Damascus carries moral weight because the north African country’s revolution last year started off the “Arab Spring” […]


This is a study of the overall downward acceleration of WTC1, the North Tower of the World Trade Center. During this investigation it was discovered that the one feature that kept pace with the original acceleration of the roof-line was a wave of ejections on the west wall. A clearer, […]

Anti-war protesters are taking to the streets in dozens of U-S cities to protest Washington’s anti-Iran policies. [youtube]RUE7nuNRyDk[/youtube] Activists from various US-based anti-war organizations are attending the rally. They’re protesting against a possible military action against Iran. The protesters are calling for an end to what they describe as terrorizing […]

The mainstream press is showing interest in a taboo, however glaring subject; the inconsistencies in the Bush White House 9/11 account. As The Washington Times reports today, “A lingering technical question about the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks still haunts some, and it has political implications: How did 200,000 tons of […]
