Not so sure I can join him in congratulating the French for bombing the Rainbow Warrior. Greenpeace have been doing their utmost to defend our waters from Anadarko and their like and I have a lot of respect for them. Signed their anti-drilling/fracking petition last year actually.
Despite agreeing with his comments on the Banksters, GB just lost a few points on other matters. Oh, well…
Oh, ignore that last comment, it’s back…
Whoa! That vid just disappeared before my eyes…now just shows “internal server error”. What happened Admin?
An honest politician!? I like this Godfrey Bloom guy. Good find Gerard. Must look this guy up & see what else he has to say. Almost in the “too good to be true” category. He must be due to have an “accident” or a heart attack…?
“hate topic” Ivor? What? GB’s my kinda guy. Calls a spade a spade and a banker a crook….
Good one Gerard .. very droll .. and wow wonders will never cease .. a MEP discussing a forbidden antisemetic hate topic .. now I know how we can be offered 60% off and no interest for 3 years .. but shhss that is a hate topic ..
If anyone is looking for intelligent discussion I’m here most nights. Let’s claim back Uncensored from Ivor the Mighty Troll-Hunter.
What do you want to discuss folks? Chemtrails, HAARP, UFOs, current events, Geopolitics, 911, or whatever else you want, free of insults and smears. All viewpoints welcome!
Hacked huh? I don’t suppose you know what the motive or origin of these hacks was? Or was it just a random act of vandalism?
Here’s Icke’s take on Common Purpose:
What do you guys make of this?
David Icke has some pretty bad things to say about this organisation.
Pretty controversial fellow this Godfrey Bloom:
Not so sure I can join him in congratulating the French for bombing the Rainbow Warrior. Greenpeace have been doing their utmost to defend our waters from Anadarko and their like and I have a lot of respect for them. Signed their anti-drilling/fracking petition last year actually.
Despite agreeing with his comments on the Banksters, GB just lost a few points on other matters. Oh, well…
Oh, ignore that last comment, it’s back…
Whoa! That vid just disappeared before my eyes…now just shows “internal server error”. What happened Admin?
An honest politician!? I like this Godfrey Bloom guy. Good find Gerard. Must look this guy up & see what else he has to say. Almost in the “too good to be true” category. He must be due to have an “accident” or a heart attack…?
“hate topic” Ivor? What? GB’s my kinda guy. Calls a spade a spade and a banker a crook….
Good one Gerard .. very droll .. and wow wonders will never cease .. a MEP discussing a forbidden antisemetic hate topic .. now I know how we can be offered 60% off and no interest for 3 years .. but shhss that is a hate topic ..
this was fun too
I quite enjoyed that movie
If anyone is looking for intelligent discussion I’m here most nights. Let’s claim back Uncensored from Ivor the Mighty Troll-Hunter.
What do you want to discuss folks? Chemtrails, HAARP, UFOs, current events, Geopolitics, 911, or whatever else you want, free of insults and smears. All viewpoints welcome!
Hacked huh? I don’t suppose you know what the motive or origin of these hacks was? Or was it just a random act of vandalism?