“9/11: Ignoring the Evidence is No Longer an Option” Join ReThink911′s main event in Times Square this September 11, 2013 right below our Times Square billboard
Month: April 2023
. Jeff Halper of ICAHD – Israeli Committee Against House Demolition Speech at Auckland University 5 Sep 2013 (Full event) Resisting Occupation, Constructing Peace Jeff Halper 1-2 Resisting Occupation, Constructing Peace from Billy Hania on Vimeo. Jeff Halper 2-2 Resisting Occupation, Constructing Peace from Billy Hania on Vimeo.
The case for Controlled Demolition of three buildings in the World Trade Centre complex is made by 2,000 scientists, engineers, architects and physicists here … and in this documentary here 911 Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (2012) from therebel.org on Vimeo.
The truth is that far from being the poor victim it likes to portray itself as, Israel is in fact the most aggressive and belligerent nation in South West Asia, having invaded pretty much everyone it shares a border with. These maps found here will show you just who is […]
In 2012 VICE commissioned photographer and videographer Robert King to document the civil war that has been ravaging Syria for the past two years. Largely based on Aleppo, King’s footage of the violent conflict that continues to unfold in the region is perhaps one of the most thorough and brutally […]
Nato and Australia and New Zealand Governments: We call on you to: Respect the United Nations leadership in Syria Why this is important This conflict needs to be resolved peacefully under United Nations guidance, the rule of law. We need to learn from Iraq the mistake of subverting the United […]