March for Seed Freedom October 12 Wellington


Screen Shot 2013-10-08 at 9.52.12 PMA march to assert the human right to save seeds and to draw attention to the corporate grab for power and control over the world’s food supply through patenting seeds, as well as through the development of  GE technologies (such as the “terminator gene” which makes plants sterile) will take place in Wellington on October 12.

If you would like to be part of this event, please meet at the Bucket Fountain, Cuba Mall at 2pm for a march to parliament.

The Facebook page for the event is


3 thoughts on “March for Seed Freedom October 12 Wellington

  1. Yes – the march against monsanto – what a success and thanks to all for participating in this worldwide event to help others learn more about the horrific and disappointing MONSANTO / GMO etc. Some of us could not attend but we did write many letters/emails and signed petitions and the conversations continued about exposing the damages done and what we can do. Great job activists ! ! This will hurt the purse strings of monsanto and I hope we can organize an annual or semi annual event to continue the momentum.

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Wed Oct 9 , 2013

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