12 million pages of declassified CIA files are now available online for everyone to view
Conspiracy theorists would be having a field day, with the CIA sharing 12 million pages of declassified documents online. Pictures: National Archives.
FOR 17 years, the US Army’s “Project Stargate” explored the use of psychokinesis, ESP and telepathy for military and domestic intelligence applications.
While explored in 2004 book and 2009 film, The Men Who Stare at Goats, very few details of the program had ever been easily accessible to the public.
This all changed when the CIA posted a vast cache of close to 12 million pages of declassified documents online, which include information on UFO sightings, Nazi War Crimes, Project Stargate and other once-secret files.
The information was first released in 1995 when then-President Bill Clinton ordered all documents with “historical value” that were at least 25 years old to be declassified.
However, the documents were only physically accessible from four computer terminals at the National Archives in Washington DC.
In 2000, the CIA released the documents on its electronic records search tool CREST, but the files were still only available by physically attending the Archives.
Following a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit in 2014, the CIA said it would post the 930,000 documents online in entirety, but claimed it would take six years to scan every page.
CIA information management director said the agency was able to complete the project quicker than expected, with the official giving assurances that nothing had omitted and the half-century of data was published in entirety.
“Access to this historically significant collection is no longer limited by geography,” he said in a press release.
“We’ve been working on this for a very long time and this is one of the things I wanted to make sure got done before I left. Now you can access it from the comfort of your own home.”
While the obviously extensive cache of documents would take a long time to examine, news.com.au has picked out some of the highlights found during a quick perusal.
A scanned picture of the completed tunnel, which has been included in one of the many documents. Picture: National ArchivesSource:Supplied
From 1952 until 1956, the US built a 400 metre tunnel that would be used to tap Soviet telephone lines.
“By March 1952, all of the pertinent technical material had been assembled and sufficiently analysed to permit the pinpointing of the most important Soviet circuits,” a document read.
“Careful visual observation was maintained and tunnelling operations stopped each time the German guards walked over the tunnel on their regular patrols.
“All components in the electrical isolation networks were individually selected and subjected to rigorous tests to ensure maximum reliability, and the lead-away cables were constructed of the best available materials, sheathed in lead and handled in accordance with the highest telephone company standards.”
After operating for 11 months and 11 days, the tunnel was discovered on 21 April 1956, with the document claiming a double agent, known as George Blake, was responsible.
“[Blake] had been recruited by the Soviets while a prisoner in North Korea in 1952 and had continued under Soviet control,” the document read.
“Blake was privy to all aspects of the tunnel from the earliest planning stages and stated that he had informed his Soviet contact of the tunnel.”
Files from the National Archives detailing UFO sightings. Picture: National Archives.Source:Supplied
As expected, the declassified documents contain many cases of UFO sightings from all across the globe.
One such report documents a UFO spotted by two police officers patrolling the Lithuanian border on June 26, 1996.
“Vehicle loads of soldiers from the ARAS rapid reaction force, sniffer dogs and police reinforcements immediately arrived on the scene of the emergency,” a report read.
“[According to eye witness accounts] they noticed a spherical objecting hanging and “pulsing”.
“At the same time, they heard what they described as “a strange sound like an electric or electronic crackle.
“When they moved about 50 metres through the long grass, the police said the sphere moved away, rose higher and rapidly departed.”
The report said those who attended the scene studied the area carefully and recorded the strange sound, which could still be heard even though the UFO had left the area.
At the time of publishing, Lithuanian scientists had not given an explanation for the sighting, although the police commissioner had told media the two officers who saw the UFO were “psychologically healthy, normal people”.
Some paperwork explaining what was being examined in Project Stargate.Source:Supplied
As mentioned earlier, Project Stargate is the name given to the US Army’s investigations into the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications.
“Studies of paranormal phenomena have nearly always been associated with controversy. Despite the controversy concerning their nature and existence, many organisations continue to be avidly interested in these phenomena,” a report read.
“The intelligence community is no exception: beginning in the 1970s, it had conducted a program intended to investigate the application of one paranormal phenomenon — remote viewing or the ability to describe locations one had not visited.”
“As an adjunct method to gathering intelligence, people who possess this ability could be asked to describe various intelligence targets. This information, especially if considered credible and reliable, could supplement and enhance more time-consuming and perhaps dangerous methods for collecting data.”
The reported concluded that observations provided a compelling argument against the continuation of the research program, with little evidence demonstrating the existence of remote viewing.
“The information provided by the remote viewing is vague and ambiguous, making it difficult, if not impossible, for the technique to yield information of significant quality and accuracy,” the report read.
“We conclude that continues use of remote viewing in intelligence gathering operations is not warranted.”
These declassified documents would keep Fox Mulder occupied.Source:YouTube
Among the documents is an article exploring an “unusual phenomena” that had been a constant source of disturbance to a family in France.
The 1980 mystery was attributed to a poltergeist — a ghost or other supernatural being supposedly responsible for physical disturbances.
“The poltergeist manifested itself over the years in well-known uniform patterns: beds were moved about, pillows and covers were pulled off, locked doors were inexplicably opened, the contents of cupboards were found to be in disorder, objects disappeared and reappeared, sounds were mimicked, penetration phenomena occurred and so on,” the report read.
“Thorough psycho-diagnostic and depth-psychological examinations were planned but could not be carried out because the family was about to leave for Guadelope in order to escape the poltergeist.
“In their new surroundings they found peace, although even there they experienced strange phenomena such as rosaries falling from the sky.”
What declassified documents wouldn’t be complete without including steps on how to perform photography and writing with invisible ink.