June 8, 2017
By Suzanne Maher (byebyeblesky)
Nano Tech, Geoengineering & The Coming Space Fence With Elana Freeland
Josh Steffler and Greg Hill from Freedom Free For All, interview author/researcher Elana Freeland about the subjects in her upcoming book; Under and Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown.
They begin the interview discussing the normalization of the geoengineering programs and the advent of Dr. David Keith’s upcoming weather balloon experiment in Tucson, Arizona. The public will always be told that these various experiments/technology benefit the human race and will save us from global warming. Rarely if ever, do they use the term “weapon”, or discuss the very heavy military involvement in the weather programs.
Various space fence technologies are discussed; pulsar based navigation systems to test on space stations, self replicating 3D printers which they say could build moon bases to fight global warming, all the while continuing to placate the public that this technology is “good for us”.
Elana goes on to describe the changes in our atmosphere and how it has become ionized or “battery ready” to conduct the military’s war games. Our clouds have very little moisture at this stage they are now plasma, which is made from heat and chemicals (gas/fire state). Plasmas are able to generate electro-magnetic forces.
The control of the lower atmosphere and near earth orbit is the objective, while the powers that be continue to sell the public on the wonderful technologies of wireless devices.
Rockets which emit alumina oxide and lithium will settle around the earth’s equator and create a circle much like Saturn. This will further amplify the space fence lockdown and surveillance of every single human being on the planet.
Time to brush up on truth…..The Space Fence is Here.