I was impressed by the connection made to UN Agenda 21 (and presumably 2030Agenda therefore) in this presentation. Other “natural” disaster areas around the world (Christchurch for example)seem to have a similar connection, including depopulated “occupation free” or “red” zones. Will California be next on The UN Resilient Cities list?

Greg Reese Published on Jan 4, 2019 Subscribe 3K infowars.com/show

Although I was overall impressed, as I stated above, I do have some skepticism, albeit minor. Aluminum (aluminium to Kiwis and Brits); the melting point depends on the alloy blend and heat treatment rating. Engine blocks and wheels have a higher melt point than radiators for instance. Aircooled VW motors are made of a Magnesium alloy which melts very easily. The “molten” windshields? No, that’s the plastic laminate, not the glass. The glass will shatter before it melts I believe? Other than such minor points, I agree that some form of Electromagnetic energy transmission or laser device may have been involved.