Something bizarre and incomprehensible is happening on YouTube. On one hand, the video platform has been hard at work demonetizing and un-recommending videos that could “misinform users” (i.e. conspiracy theories). On the other hand, YouTube is never stopped enabling the proliferation of thousands of deeply disturbing videos sexualizing children.
Vigilant Citizen – Feb 19, 2019

Indeed, on one hand, YouTube is using advanced “machine learning”, combined with an army of human moderators, to censor videos that basically consist of adults discussing topics that may or may not be 100% factual. On the other hand, YouTube is profiting from videos that clearly and unmistakably exploit children for the viewing pleasure of pedophiles. Maybe I’m crazy, but one of those things is way worse than the other.
Two years ago, I published an article entitled Something is Terribly Wrong With Many “Kids” Videos on YouTube which highlighted the shocking, disturbing and traumatizing content found in countless videos aimed at children. Because these videos often use popular characters such as Elsa to lure children into viewing the videos, this upsetting phenomenon was dubbed Elsagate by some online forums including Reddit.
My 2017 article also contained a section titled “Catering to Pervs” which exposed videos that are clearly made to please “child lovers”. These videos feature children wearing inappropriate clothes and doing inappropriate things while the pervs watching post inappropriate comments.
The existence of these videos has caused lots of controversy in the past two years. However, no clear action was taken by YouTube to stop this. In fact, things have gotten worse.
The video below exposes the disturbing extent of the problem. It explains how a regular YouTube viewer can end-up in a wormhole of “recommended videos” that basically consist of child exploitation. The comments are mostly bizarre “compliments” and timestamps to the most “revealing” parts of the videos. In short, it is a soft CP ring right inside YouTube.
what did you do with the children who always want to hold their gadget?