Document received via Email today 28/2/19 (Unclassified):
Today, Minister Faafoi announced details of the first spectrum allocation for 5G.
The 3.5 GHz band will be the first 5G band in New Zealand, with national rights to spectrum expected to be auctioned early in 2020. National spectrum rights in the 3.5 GHz band will be available from November 2022 when the existing rights in this band expire.
Spectrum will also be available to regional wireless broadband service providers. Allocation details of regional spectrum rights are expected to be announced later this year.
You can read the press release and proactively released Cabinet paper on the Radio Spectrum Management (RSM) website here.
We expect that there will be public consultation on the auction design in the second half of 2019. Details of the consultation will be made available closer to the time on the RSM website and in the RSM Business Update
Minister Faafoi has also announced his decision that once the 3.5 GHz allocation is complete, the next priority for 5G will be to allocate parts of the millimetre wave bands above 25 GHz.
Len Starling
Manager, Radio Spectrum Management Policy and Planning
Radio Spectrum Management, Building, Resources and Markets
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
Website: www.rsm.govt.nz and www.mbie.govt.nz
15 Stout St, Wellington or PO Box 2847, Wellington 6140, NEW ZEALAND
5G will bring cancer..it has not been proven as safe…where is the safety data for this product.FAFAFOI needs to prove this before endangering NEW ZEALAND.