Received From Tom Dickey as a comment on a related postBut it will get more views as a separate item. Thanks Tom! And please, support this guys:
The House of Representatives recently passed a watered-down version of the “USA Freedom Act” – originally intended to curb abuses related to NSA surveillance and data collection on American citizens.
It is not enough.
Changed late in the legislative process, the final version still allows the government to conduct mass surveillance so long as it uses a “selection term” to do so. What does that mean? It means that they could collect data on anyone in a particular state or a particular zip code.
That’s unacceptably broad. We must end these broad loopholes that the NSA can exploit to collect unprecedented amounts of information on innocent Americans who aren’t suspected of any wrongdoing.
Please join me in demanding that Congress make Americans’ privacy rights a priority and pass real NSA reform Sign the petition and join the fight!