“Use Of Deadly Force Authorised” It says at the gate. I’ll bet they mean it too. Even if this “joke” actually succeeded, I suspect any interlopers would be seriously disappointed at what they find behind those security fences. And they might just get a serious dose of radiation poisoning for their troubles! MH.
(CNN)They’ve got a plan to raid Area 51 and “see them aliens.” But what will happen if they actually do it?Over one million people have signed up to a joke Facebook event, calling on users to meet at Area 51, the US Air Force base in Nevada that’s long been a source of alien conspiracy theories, in September.
“If we Naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets,” the page says, referencing the Japanese manga-inspired running style with arms outstretched backwards and heads forward. “Let’s see them aliens.”A pinned post on the page attempts to cover its bases, reading “Hello US government, this is a joke, and I do not actually intend to go ahead with this plan. I just thought it would be funny and get me some thumbsy uppies on the internet.” But as the event has gained traction — inspiring dozens of memes and jokes — the profile of the situation has risen, so much so that the US Air Force has been made aware of the potential impending raid.
And they’re not as lighthearted about the situation as folks on the internet are. ..READ MORE

Just for laughs, here’s some young guys getting the fright of their lives at the gate! Enjoy:
Obviously the security guy breaking the boredom by pranking the loiterers. Likely the only “alien” anyone will see at Groom Lake!