For heaven’s sake, the escalation of paranoia is driving me up the wall! Dog catching coronavirus? Here’s a dose of sanity for you. Martin
The current fearporn over a dog catching the Coronavirus in Hong Kong is the last straw. Check out the following and take a deep breath and relax. Your pooch is safe. And you have nothing to fear from your best friend either.
The relevant section:
On Friday, CNBC reports, officials at the World Health Organization confirmed that mouth and nose swabs from a dog in Hong Kong found low concentrations of the virus, which they characterized as a “weakly positive” result.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the dog in question is a Pomeranian belonging to a 60-year-old woman who has been diagnosed with the virus. The Pomeranian showed no symptoms, but another dog and a cat suspected of having the virus both tested negative.
Vanessa Barrs, a professor of veterinary medicine at the University of Sydney who spoke to the WSJ, urged caution. She said that the finding doesn’t mean that dogs can get sick from the virus or transmit it back to humans.
“People should not panic,” she told the paper. “Pets are very unlikely to be contributing to the spread of COVID-19.
Coronavirus and Your Dog: No Need to Panic Yet
One dog may have a low-grade infection, but there’s no indication pets get sick or spread the virus.
Your pet cannot get coronavirus. Here’s why one dog tested positive
According to World Health Organisation and AFCD, there is no evidence that pets such as cats and dogs can be infected with the coronavirus. This is beacuse while the dogs might test positive for the virus, it doesn’t surely mean that they have been infected.
Coronavirus can live on surfaces and objects but researchers are not yet sure about how long they survive. In the same way, coronavirus can be present on the bodies of cats or dogs, even if they haven’t really contracted the virus. The AFCD is testing the dog further to see whether the dog has been infected with the virus or has just been contaminated with the virus.
Times of India
According to available evidence, dogs are no more at risk than the inanimate objects like doorknobs and work desk.
Last I looked a certain NZ mainstream news agency was running the fearporn dog story immediately below an article supposedly “debunking Coronavirus conspiracy theories” (ie attacking strawmen).What a bunch of hypocrites!
Maybe a Coronavirus vaccine for doggies is on the way and they want to sell it through fearmongering, or maybe an anti-dog agenda is brewing. Not as silly as you might think. I am in fact watching for signs of just such a possibility.

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