In its infancy, the Internet was often referred to as “The Information Superhighway”. I’m sure no one expected the Information Supercheckpoint!
G Squared’s timely opinion piece coincides with potential threats to free speech looming under cover of the COVID-19 lockdown, as censorship ramps up. MH

Information is a valuable commodity. That is either understood or it is not. And its value is now increasing due to The US unable to manage the narrowing of the passage ways and the unbridled runaway horse that it allowed to escape.
Congressional hearings and court theaters delivered nothing. As they would. The circus channeled into whether or not the internet monopolies were publishers or platforms. They are either or both. As they determine.

As the taped phone conversation is for quality and training purposes, internet companies are pretendng to protect their customers by filtering out what the companies determine offends the customer.
This is not blocking porn from children. The same liberal pretenders in these companies are the characters not having a problem with porn delivered to young schoolchildren as education.
The game is to filter political comment and information. At least that which these companies do not approve.
We saw it with The Obama Era using The IRS to attack conservative or unapproved organizations and individuals. IRS Deep State; Koskinen, Lerner et al.
During the token AG Janet Reno Era, she postured to break up Microsoft. The company made some internal adjustments which they had already planned and the heroine of the tragedies of Ruby Ridge, The Davidians, an underage execution, and the false flag Oklahoma City Bombing; high fived that she accomplished something.
As significant as the breakup of The Rockefeller oil interests, of a past era. As significant as the parting of the seas. The industry became the monopoly of The US Seven Sisters, now being just three.
Information is Information. It is not a toy for child minded Intellectualized Morons, who have already failed in attempting to get a life.

Youtube and Google are being more blatant with rewriting reality to conform to ideological delusions. This is beyond official versions of reality. As well as blocking and employing search engine algorhythms that deliver what they want or not at all.

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