Any attempts to question mainstream explanations about controversial events, which have been handed down from official government sources, are immediately attacked by most society members?
If you were to suggest other gunmen were involved in the murder of President John F. Kennedy, the people listening to you would, undoubtedly, dismiss your claim as ridiculous and classify you as a conspiracy theorist.
The average person would instantly begin to roll his or her eyes if someone offered a new explanation about what transpired on September 11, 2001. Anything that deviates from the official government explanation concerning that infamous day will get eye tremors going in most people for sure. The same eye gyrations would be witnessed in the vast majority of people if and when they were presented with alternative explanations about other controversial events they have become emotionally invested in over the course of their lives.
COVID-19 and the fakery surrounding the world plandemic fits into this discussion as well. Are you a coronavirus denier or a conspiracy theorist?
The vast majority of the global population has been systematically hypnotized and conditioned to reject anything that strays away from officialdom. Most of the human herd has been programmed by mainstream media sources to reject alternative and plausible explanations concerning staged false flag events.
Once you become aware of this phenomenon, it’s quite disturbing to see it unfold in front of your eyes. Everyday acquaintances, family members, and close friends all seem to fall under the same spell. It’s as if the people rolling their eyes are trying to switch off their brains so they can go to sleep to avoid the truth.
When you go to sleep, your eyes roll back inside their sockets in a similar fashion. I honestly believe that people have been routinely conditioned to fall asleep when presented with logical explanations about globally staged events.
Most of society’s members don’t seem to have a strong desire to challenge officialdom, even when there exists hard evidence suggesting they should. And most people feel the need to police and encourage others to swallow officialdom.
For every person that has the guts to stand up, in an attempt to set the record straight about something that has been painted in a disingenuous manner, I’ll wager there are one thousand others that are looking to avoid such situations.
The regular suppression of truthful information by powerful people is a global phenomenon. A world government that regularly hands down policy directives to individual sovereign governments to manage the sheeple population is nothing new. This order of business has been taking place for eternity.
Most elected governing personalities are more than willing to lie to the public they are supposed to represent. Elected leaders in nearly every jurisdiction lie in concert, with other leaders, for maximum effect. They suppress the truth and label persons questioning their insane agendas as conspiracy theorists.
Why do so many people find it difficult to believe in conspiracy theories? By examining human nature and recorded history, one can easily observe that conspiracies do occur.
After reading the definition above, how could anyone deny this is happening worldwide? Truth be told, classifying someone’s position about a certain subject as a conspiracy theory is nothing more than a convenient way to dismiss the truth. People are so heavily invested in the practice of embracing government officialdom after witnessing government psyops that they automatically label anything presented outside the defined borders of conventional thinking as a conspiracy theory.
It’s time for people to wake up, stop rolling their eyes, and understand that not everything that challenges conventionality should be routinely dismissed. Sometimes the uncomfortable truth is not a conspiracy theory – it’s just a conspiracy!

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