Alpine Fault Earthquake in the Headlines: What’s the Agenda?

…Because there’s always an agenda behind the headlines!

Opinion by Martin Harris 21/4/21

COVID bubbles and Climate Emergencies, step aside, please: Earthquakes are back on the menu, at least here in NZ. The sudden flurry of Mainstream News interest is triggered by a new report that increases the statistical likelihood of “The Big One” (as Kiwis call the impending Alpine Fault rupture) from 30% within the next 50 years, to a terrifying 75%.

Now, having survived through multiple earthquakes as a Christchurch resident, I can tell you that the quake itself is only the beginning. The aftershocks (Thousands of them) and beaurocratic bunglings and manipulations (almost as traumatic as the quakes) will goon for years without respite.

However. We will be calm and objective and analytical. We aren’t Chicken Littles.

When reading this report there are some things to bear in mind. Nature rarely behaves according to a computer modelling prediction. Take a look at all the Climate Emergency alarmism and the spectacular failure of the doom laden reports about rising oceans and melting ice caps. We’ll return to that shortly.

The alarming statistical increase from30% to 75%? Well, in 2014 the likelihood was claimed to be 65%. By 2016, it had gone down to 30%. Now it’s 75%. Believe whichever statistic you like.

The other factor besides nature and its fickleness, is of course, we humans. More specifically, certain groups of humans and their greed. Take a gander through all the material here at Uncensored devoted to the subject of the Christchurch earthquake scenario and you’ll get the drift. Follow the links at the bottom if you aren’t familiar with the topic. Depending on your personal views and beliefs, it’s not hard to see Disaster Capitalism gearing up. Insurance profiting, Social Engineering and of course Geo-engineering are all on the cards (while nature is certain to produce an earthquake sooner or later, a little nudge from HAARP might just make things happen according to a schedule!).

It is interesting to note that, in the event of Alpine Fault rupture, Christchurch AKA UN Resilient City#33, is likely to fare rather well. As I write this, I look out my back window at the new housing estate taking shape on the edge of Red Zone border next door; one of many. I also note the expanding schools (my son’s school going from a roll of 300 to a projected 800) Seems Christchurch is expecting a population explosion. Refugees from the West Coast?

Back to Climate Change. Also never far from the headlines. Homes on the Canterbury coast may soon become uninsurable due to the rising sea levels predicted by computer modelling (I live close to the beach, have done so for almost 40 years, have yet to see any rise). This rise is said to accelerate over the next few decades. Oh dear, how alarming.

Hold on…what about the impending Big One hanging over NZ like Damocles Sword? How does the earthquake affect the Climate Panic computer modelling? Do these academics ever get together and compare notes? Take for instance the effect the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake had on the local coast (just North of Christchurch, for those unfamiliar with NZ geography). The seabed rose in seconds by several metres, completely rearranging the coastline.

So, will Christchurch gain additional Real Estate following an Alpine Fault event? Is someone aware of such a possible eventuality and is playing off one predicted disaster against another? You can bet, that somewhere along the line, plans are in place to profit from disaster and we aren’t being told everything.

One thing you can be sure of though, is that Uncensored will be keeping one ear to the ground and one eye to the sky.

Do your own research: Follow the links:

Christchurch Earthquake Links Compilation » Uncensored Publications Limited

Mag 8+ Alpine Fault earthquake ‘likely in our lifetime’ as research uncovers ‘gate’ that can forecast quake size (

Flood risk beats Canterbury quake risk | RNZ News

CR_2014-257 (

75% chance of major Alpine Fault earthquake in next 50 years – study – NZ Herald

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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

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